This morning I sort of got into it with the ill-prepared one. She was saying free healthcare was a bad idea because it would encourage the underpriviliged to be unhealthy. She says they would be less likely to take care of themselves because they knew they could go to the doctor whenever they wanted to. So, I observed, the poor should be the most healthy class of society because they're motivated by their inability to afford medical care, right? It's the stupidist thing I've heard in a while. Mind you, this person is licensed to practice law.
However, she might never practice law. She's going to a jobfair for an area school district; she's considering teaching middle school. Why? It pays better than the lawyer jobs she's found. Hard to believe? Check out this gem from the UH job board:
Description: Personal injury law firm has entry level position available. No experience necessary. Bilingual (English/Spanish) a must. Class ranking irrelevant.
Location: Texas - Houston area
Position Type: Associate Attorney
Practice Area(s): Personal Injury
Desired Class Level(s): Graduate/Alumni
Salary Range: 30,000 - 39,999
Yikes! Whoever takes that job will no doubt end up leaving for a better opportunity, like assistant manager of a Pizza Hut or a Starbucks!
Whlie I haven't completely given up, I have set up an interview with an IT consulting company for Monday morning after my shift. You gotta do what you gotta do.