Thursday, March 15, 2007


Today I am of a mind to pillory a pillock or two.

While looking for legal work, I started running a parallel job search for contract IT training. Microsoft has a message board for certified instructors. Sometimes a broker will post a message seeking bids for contract training. Most of them are for developer training, which isn't my expertise. Some of them are admin classes, but the messages depress me because I don't know how to answer them. Take these gems:

I need 2 individuals that is familiar with Longhorn. Are you skilled? Then I need to talk to you. This is your chance to work with Microsoft and make history.

Make history? Is he kidding? "Dear Sir: I is familiar with Longhorn. I have nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, and computer hacking skills. Let's make some history!"

Or how about this one:

I need a instructor for a SQL Querying class. It is in sunny, Tampa, FL. So, if you want to be where the sun is then this is the assignment. The class ... is a custom SQL class. So, you get three days of fun in the sun.

There's SQL 2000 and SQL 2005. For that matter, there's also Oracle SQL and mySQL. Which one do they want? The ad says it's 'customized' but it doesn't say in what respect. And what's with three days of fun in the sun? Is that the customization? Is the class to be held outside?


At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on trucking, you'll get to the destination you are headed for...


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