Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Inmates and 45s

Yesterday the interns sat in on some Spears hearings at the Darrington Unit, a correctional facility and home to almost 2,000 inmates. Then we took a tour of the prison. This is the third time I've been to such a place, having visited one in Corpus Christi and the one in Huntsville. For some reason prisons all smell like PE locker rooms. A Spears hearing is where the inmate has made some complaint about his treatment and a judge or magistrate comes in and chats with him to help decide whether the claim has any merit or not. That was interesting.

Anyway, on the way back I made the comment that I thought it was stupid and inconsistent for the RIAA to go after music downloaders when everyone used to record things off the radio and no one seemed too worried about that. One of the other interns--who already has his law degree and is finishing up an LLM in Intellectual Property--argued that didn't interfere with an artist's sales like MP3s do. I said sure it did. If you taped it off the radio you didn't have to buy the 45. He didn't know what I meant by that. He didn't know what a 45 was.

I would say complain about feeling older but someone might accuse me of sounding like a broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record....


At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be glad you are closer to a 45 than a 78.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger John said...

This is true! Though I do have a few 78s.

I remember once I girl I was dating telling me she had an antique Snoopy phone. And I said, I don't believe there's such a thing. Let me see it. So she brought it out, and it had push-buttons for tone dialing. And I said, "That's not an antique, I can tell you right now." And she said, "How do you know?" And I actually said, "Back in my day, we had rotary phones..."

But I can say that I never used a candlestick phone, and I never dialed anyone with just five digits.

At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I remember the 5 digit phone numbers. I remember when they made everybody add the Prefix to their phone numbers -- we had to add "Terminal" to ours -"TE" -- then there was "Underwood" "UN" in West End and "Twinbrook" TW" in North End. I remember having a party line with the neighbors. But I didn't use the candle phone - so there's still hope I guess!

At 10:42 PM, Blogger John said...

The local station would sometimes have a countdown of the top songs and I would usually try to record it. The only problem was when the DJ would talk over the music!

At 11:37 PM, Blogger CyndyMW said...

For the record, that was my Snoopy phone, and it still works!


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