You Can't Handle the Truth
Galileo spent the last nine years of his life under house arrest for his assertion that the earth revovled around the sun. So I suppose White House economic advisor Lawrence Lindsay got off easy when he was merely fired in September 2002 by the Bush administration for predicting the war in Iraq would cost between one and two hundred billion dollars. According to an article I read today, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (remember Afghanistan?) is now pushing three hundred billion with no end in sight.
In retrospect, Mr. Bush, I think you owe Larry an apology, don't you?
PS This is worth a read.
I'm of the belief that America should help Americans first and foremost.
How many kids could have gone to college with that money? How many single mom's could have achieved home ownership with that money?
I read just this week that 50% of families who have filed bankrupcy have done so because of a significant health crisis that wasn't covered through their medical insurance. Why doesn't the government pick up their tab?
Not only are we losing US jobs to outsourcing, but the funds to help Americans are being spent too.
Ooops! I meant to type single moms and not single mom's.
Sorry for the grammatical mistake in your otherwise perfect blog. :-P
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