Wednesday, September 22, 1999


The old city of Rhodes is still very much alive and not in ruils at all. The exterior of the buildings is maintained as it looked in the 1500s. In about 1522 or so the Turks drove out the Knights and the Knights fled to Malta. Sulieman the Magnificent waslked these very streets and prayed in the church, thereby turning it into a mosque. He built a minaret there, but someone most unwisely stored gunpowder in it. One evening during a storm, lightening struck and the electricity ran down the minaret, setting off the gunpowder. BOOM! No more minaret. Only the foundation remains.

There are many images of the Colossus of Rhodes here but they are all based on the inaccurate depiction of the statue standing, straddling the harbor as ships sailed between its colossal legs. So the only thing I bought was a small outfit for Sheridan.


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